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FAQs about Click2Mail's APIs

Our API documentation at is by far your best resource for learning more about Click2Mail's APIs, but we've gathered some FAQs here for your enjoyment.

  • Insufficient Funds Error in REST

    How to handle REST jobs that fail because you've run out of user credit: - If user call the API /jobs/{id}/submit and it fails due to insufficient funds, user can add funds, user then will need to cal...

  • c2m_uniqueid

    Adding a field called c2m_uniqueid to your mailing list will allow you to pull tracking information for a specific maipiece in a job that contains multiple recipients. Documentation about how to use t...

  • Priority Mail Express Document Class

    There should be extra space between Letter & 8.5: Priority Express Letter  8.5 x 11 We understand this is unusual. That extra space crept in when it was entered in our DB a long time ago and we cannot...

  • API Key

    You won't need an API key for rest or batch APIs....

  • API Documentation

    Click here for our API documentation....

  • Testing

    Testing happens in our staging environment, located at

  • Get Product Parameters

    Click here to watch a video that shows you how to get product parameters from the UI. ...

  • Relevant Job Statuses

    As a REST API consumer, the job status relevant to you are: 1. EDITING -- this is the status when you create a job via /molpro/jobs API 2. ORDER_SUBMITTED, ORDER_PROCESSING,AWAITING_PRODUCTION -- this...

  • Reporting Problems

    When you need to report issues to [email protected], it is helpful to include as much of the following as possible: catch the HTTP error code you are receiving response message  timestamp  XM...

  • Rest API Return Codes

    POST /addressLists HTTP 200 status: 0, description: Uploaded / Created status: 1, description: Mapped status: 3, description: CASS Standardized → this status means address list is ready for use in job...