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FAQs about Click2Mail's APIs

Our API documentation at is by far your best resource for learning more about Click2Mail's APIs, but we've gathered some FAQs here for your enjoyment.

  • Getting the Proof

    Getting proof is a 2-step process.  Generate the proof on the server: You call the API{{jobId}}/proof -- This will return you the proofID and a URL to download...

  • Monitoring API Status - Batch

    We do not have a formal health check API call. There are two suggested ways of achieving this. The very first batch call you make: can serve as your health chec...

  • JSON

    We currently do not officially support JSON. While most of our APIs do return JSON correctly, some are not yet JSON ready. So JSON is not reliable at this time....

  • was an MOL Classic link that has been decommissioned. ...

  • Download proof

    You can also download the proof from the API call POST /jobs/<id>/proof....

  • Count standard, international, unmailable addresses.

    If you want just a count of the standard, international and non-mailable addresses, you can use GET /addressLists/{{addressListId}}....

  • Address Correction - dealing with unmailable addresses.

    You can use the POST /addressCorrection API to check your address list. This API will return each address in your list with 3 boolean flags: standard, international & nonmailable.  You can use this to...

  • 524 Timeout Error

    524 is a 100 sec timeout error. These errors are typically transient. If you continue to receive them on a regular basis or for a large period of time, contact our support team at 866-665-2787 or supp...

  • 504 Gateway Timeout

    504 errors almost certainly mean we are having a problem. We are probably aware of the problem and and working on it. You can contact 866-665-2787 or [email protected] to confirm. Support is avai...