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ZendaNote Design Card

Users can choose two workflows while using ZendaNote. This article reviews the Design Card process. Design Card is a full featured method of quickly and easily sending a notecard via ZendaNote.

To begin Quick Card, tap "Design Card".


The app controls will open beneath the display image. 


The Image, Text, and Background icons allow you to add design features. Use the notecard diagram images to the left of the Send icon to navigate to different pages. 

To change the picture on the card, tap the image icon. The image controls will open. Imags are layerd on top of the background and under text.


Tap the camera icon to take a picture within the app. Tap the image icon to select a photo on your device's camera roll. Tap "Clear" to remove the image. When you're finished, tap "Send" to continue the order process or "Back" to access non-image related controls. 

The next step assumes the user has tapped "Back". 

To add text to a card, tap the "Text" icon. The text controls will open. Text is layered on top of both images and backgrounds.


Tap "Type" to enter your message. Tap "Style Font" to change the font. Tap "Aligh" to right, center, or left justify your message. When you're finished, tap "Send" to continue the order process or "Back" to access non-text related controls. 

The next step assumes the user has tapped "Back".

Tap the Background icon to select a color for your background. Both images and text are layered on top of backgrounds.


Scroll to view additional color selections. Tap one to select. When you're finished, tap "Send" to continue the order process or "Back" to access non-background related controls.

After making all desired edits to all pages of the notecard, tap "Send".

Select an recipient from your address book or enter a new one by tapping the "+" sign. Tap "Next" to proceed.


Review your card by clicking the icons on the bottom of the app. Tap "Mail It!" to complete your order. If you haven't already added user credit to your account, you'll be prompted to do so here.


You'll receive confirmation that your order was submitted. Click "Ok" to return to the app and send another ZendaNote.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Carly Brown

  2. Posted 2 years ago
