198 results found for “create basic list”
Embed Fonts into an MS Word Document
Fonts that are unsupported by the Click2Mail system will typically (not always!) print if they are embedded into the doc ...
Why was this mail returned to me?
Sometimes mail can't be delivered. This happens for a variety of reasons, but it usually happens because the recipient h ...
About Certified Mail
Certified Mail is an extra domestic mail service that assigns a unique tracking number to each article mailed and provid ...
How to Map Data Fields in Click2Mail’s CRM Hub
Introduction Mapping data fields is a crucial step in integrating your CRM with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub. This process ensur ...
What is Click2Mail’s CRM Hub?
Introduction Click2Mail's CRM Hub is a powerful platform designed to seamlessly integrate your Customer Relationship Man ...
Add a New Monitor
Directory Monitor will whisk documents in a specified location away and turn them into real mail. Before that can happen ...
Postal Info and Mail Delivery Mailing Addresses
Standard vs. Non-Standard Addresses
Standard Addresses A Standard Address can be found in the U.S. Postal Service's master database of all known delivery p ...
What is Directory Monitor?
Introduction Directory Monitor is a powerful desktop application within the Click2Mail ecosystem, designed to automate m ...