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Why isn't my user credit on the account?

If you purchased user credit and it is not showing up in your credit balance, there are a few possible reasons:

  • There was a processing error. This could have happened anywhere during the approval process or when the transaction should have been applied to your account. 
  • The transaction was declined. If your credit card was declined, the transaction will not be processed and the credit will not be added to your account. 
  • The credit expired. User credit automatically expires after 180 days of inactivity. Customer Support will reapply the expired credit to your account at your request.
  • The credit was refunded. If you recently refunded a credit card transaction, the credit will be removed from your account.

How can I resolve this issue?

Please contact us at 866-665-2787 or [email protected]. We can locate the transaction and add the credit to your account when appropriate.

Additional tips:

  • Check your transaction history. You can view your transaction history in the Click2Mail dashboard to see if there is any information about the missing credit.
  • Check your email. You may have received an email from Click2Mail about the transaction.
  • Contact your credit card issuer. If you think the transaction was declined, you can contact your credit card issuer for more information.
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  1. Carly Brown

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